Friday, November 16, 2007

Spitzer drops driver's license plan

Guillermo Perez of NY LCLAA says:

The drivers license issue has become THE vehicle for attacking the governor and now he's backing down on his former pro-immigrant position because of pressure from Hillary Clinton's people. The biggest problem has been polls indicating that 70% of New Yorkers oppose the Governor's plan to allow some undocumented access to a drivers license. The attacks on "illegals" has reached a level I've not seen in my seven years of activism on this issue here in New York.
We desperately need a power point presentation with all the bells and whistles (graphics, audio, video, as well as pertinent stats) that we can use to start educating the people who should be our allies in this struggle -- e.g., union activists, people of faith, communities of color, etc. That this can happen in New York is especially disturbing.... Any chance we could get a group of labor educators to help produce this power point before the end of this year? Please feel free to circulate this to anyone and everyone who might be interested in contributing.
In Solidarity,
Guillermo Perez
President, Albany/Capital District LCLAA

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