Friday, November 30, 2007

CIS's new report blames immigrants for health care crisis, etc

The newest study of immigration by the Center for Immigration Studies blames immigrants for our health care crisis, welfare costs, and overcrowding in public schools. Initial articles about the study on November 29 featured these headlines:
“Study: Uneducated immigrants hurt country” (USA Today)
“Immigrants, illegals use welfare more often” (Washington Times)
“Immigration at Record Level, Analysis Finds” (New York Times)

Here is CIS’s director Steven Camarota interpreting the article for the New York Times.

“Immigrants have had an enormous impact on the lack of health insurance,” Mr. Camarota said. “If we are going to have a debate about health insurance, we should recognize that most of the growth in the uninsured comes from recently arrived immigrants and their American-born kids.”
Mr. Camarota found that about one-third of immigrant families receive some kind of public assistance. The services were mainly food stamps and Medicaid associated with care for their American children, he found. The majority of children in immigrant families, whether the parents are legal or illegal, were born in the United States and so are American citizens.
“The welfare system is designed to help low-income workers with children,” Mr. Camarota said. “The study shows that it is very difficult not to have these public costs if you have low-skilled immigrants in large numbers.”
Mr. Camarota did not present evidence of large scale use of public benefits by illegal immigrants themselves.

You can read an initial critique of the study at (“'Sanctuary City'? More Immigrants, More Political Lunacy”) and the study itself at (“Immigrants in the United States, 2007: A Profile of America’s Foreign-Born Population”).

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